Homework is an outdated concept
Why should children be given Homework?
The concept of ‘Home Work’ is 300 years old and I was shocked and appalled to see schools still giving loads of cumbersome home works to its students.
WTF they are thinking while giving loads of tedious assignments that just involves copying from one source to another, I really can’t understand. In our times, we used to copy from textbooks or guides, now the schools are asking children to copy from computer screens and mobile screens. F*** man!! Even if Virtual Reality becomes a household technology, they might ask to copy from the VR Gears!
Its a waste of time to change the schools and the stupid age-old mindsets of those stout obnoxious correspondents. They won’t change but just shout.
I think children should do all the homework in the classrooms, record the lessons using their mobile phones as teachers teach and revise them during the exams. At home, they should play real sports, read fiction books, spend time with family, do drawings, paintings, or music, go to family gatherings, meet relatives, and in holidays go for vacations.
Childhood is life! Never give the chance to mindless schools to waste your time and energy! And by the way, education is fun, you will love it if you catch the essence of it. Enjoy that also. ?
A lot of questions you will answer in your student life. Along with answering those, also learn to question back the system. Otherwise, you will be drained away in the crowd! ‘Why should children be given Homework?’ asked a principal of a school in the USA. I would have been very happy if that were asked by a student. If you wait for principals to question, you will pass decades together and become principals by that time.