It’s the surrendered rebels that cause the downfall of a society

A rebel, by definition, is a person who rises in opposition or resistance against an established system. Whenever a society sees a lack of such rebels or a scarcity of them, that is a very boring, repressive, and stagnant society.
In the course of progress, any group thrives only when there’re multiple points of view, disagreements, contradictions out of which an unforeseen direction is discovered. In the context of Indian society, especially in Telugu states, the spirit of rebellion seems to be dead. Even the aggressive teenage age group seems to have stuck between applying for jobs and watch series on OTT. The prominent reasons for this phase in the society are
1. The rebels who appeared to find a new path, succumbed to the mainstream
Younger generation always keeps looking for role models whom they can imitate and follow. If there was an uncle who was shown as an example for kid while growing up, for his questioning power, different approach to life, the spirit if revolt etc. cut back to 20 years later, the same uncle became the advocate of mainstream society, how would it be? He asks you not to question the Government because whatever it does is right. He tells you conventional theories about why boys and girls shouldn’t go out together, he lectures on the greatness of ancient Indian culture i.e Sanathana Hindu dharma, he desperately uses every opportunity to mix with the crowd which once insulted him when he was not a success. That surrendered rebel becomes a bad example for a kid who wants to build his own character.
What’s the message he gave? Be rebel when you’re unsuccessful but mix with the mainstream when you become a success. That was the goal in mind anyhow. Being a rebel is just to gain some attention during failure days.
So whoever grew up seeing such examples would repeat the same pattern, acting as if they’re rebels in their struggling phase, and once they become successful, they dump the philosophy and people to mix with the mainstream conventional crowd.
2. For pseudo rebels, Education is the pursuit of acceptance rather than pursuit of truth
The surrendered rebels spoiled the Education system because they pursued a field not because of passion, only because of short-term gains. They left the pursuit in the long run. The achievement in education is only to gain respect in the existing social circle, nothing more than that. They didn’t contribute anything to any newcomer.
3. Their relations are based on their agendas not on emotions
The surrendred rebels spoiled the human relationships. They’re hypocrites from the beginning. Their only agenda is to be a part of the mainstream even if it’s stupid and irrelevant. They seemed to build some stronger bonds but that’s only as a bridge to burn after reaching their intended destination.
4. They don’t have taste. They’re just imposters of Art.
They spoiled the artistic zeal in society by killing all the directions which don’t yield immediate material returns. They even turn their children into money machines who don’t have any individual taste. Study in big college, work in a big company. etc etc. Be in mainstream, ego satisfied, slept well.
5. Marriage must be a safe choice
The marriage system is spoiled. They seemed to follow a different path, seemed to marry a person of their choice, but finally came back and married for family’s honour, caste, prestige, money etc. That pattern became example to many. The death of romance in the current society is their exemplary achievement.
The surrendred rebels cause the downfall in whatever society they’re in. They’re dangerous than conventional people because conventional people are honest. They put their intentions and actions open. But these conventionals in the disguise of rebels are the ones with hidden agendas to use and manipulate whatever comes their way, burrying the ladder once they climbed.
There are rebels who discover new directions. They will inspire people with their novel ideas, exploring uncharted paths, and building hope for people who are different from conventional.
There might be rebels who fall back into mainstream due to fear of being left out. But history proved one fact. The one who surrenders will not find a new path and a Rebel never surrenders.