The Eetela’s Dilemma and the people who provoked him

A set back in a smooth career for getting influenced by dishonest opportunists

The interesting political event in State is going to happen in the State in September where Eetela is contesting to secure his seat and TRS to prove its might.

The series of incidents is known as what led to the tiff and final rupture but the behind scenes are enticing.

The major contradictions in Eetala’s criticism over KCR are

Conradiction 1

  1. He first said TRS is a one-man show and no one have any say in the decision-making. KCR is a dictator and democracy is being suppressed in the state.

Contradiction: Now he joined BJP where no one knows what the PM decided to blast in the 8 PM speech.

Let’s talk about Democracy. KCR addressed so many press meets and answered innumerable questions from Journalists.

Did Modi ever hold a Press Meet and answer one question from a Journalist in the last 7 years. It’s always one-way talk. Who is democratic Eetala…??

Conradiction 2

  1. He said all the welfare schemes are just eye-washing measures and they won’t solve problems in the long term. He stressed that the people of Telangana value self-respect more than the money offered by the Govt.

Contradiction: The same Eetela came back again and asked where’s the Unemployment Compensation. If someone is with self-respect, why will he ask for Unemployment Benefits?

Other contradictions

1) He stressed the point of value and self-respect and when he joined BJP in Delhi, even JP Nadda is not present and he couldn’t even meet Modi or Amit Shah.

2) He was keen on the point that extension of service of existing employees disappointed many aspiring job seekers who are waiting for years.

When the Central Govt. led by BJP is removing MSP, privatising steel plants, planning privatization of Banks, Railways, and even the most successful Govt. corporation LIC, what would that lead to?


I personally like Eetala Rajender very much and the contribution he made to the Telangana movement, as Finance Minister, especially as Health Minister during the first wave of Covid will never be forgotten.

The only thing is he got carried away by people who are anti-government in mindset and who provoked him and spoiled his career. They’re nowhere visible by his side now. A few of such provokers are Teenmaar Mallanna and Union leaders of various public sectors.

Keeping aside the contradictions, everyone has the right to move on and survive. So I wish Eetela a new future and wish he flaunts his own party instead of lying long in a party which is actual one-man-show