Why Abortions are banned in a country like US

The US supreme Court verdict on abortions has divided the country into two, with pro- life sections claiming victory and pro- choice groups denouncing it as a retrograde step. Even President Biden said that the verdict takes the country back by a hundred years.
Why did the Supreme Court of the US reversed its 1973 verdict famously called Roe V Wade which made abortion a constitutional right leaving the matter entirely to a woman’s discretion. Now it has made abortion a medical and legal matter. Already some states have initiated steps to frame laws banning abortion as a right.
Advancement of Science & Technology
It happened because of the developments or advancements in science. Now a foetus delivered after twenty one weeks has survived at UAB hospital US.The survival of the twenty one week foetus has changed the discourse on abortion. With the medicare available today, if a twenty one week baby has a survival chance .So abortion period has considerably decreased. Today its twenty one weeks and tomorrow it may be less than twenty weeks. So it is considered that an abortion is like a homicide,which is a crime.
Prevention is shown as a better measure than abortion
And the availability of contraceptives also makes an abortion redundant. When you can plan your pregnancy, why do you need an abortion is the questions that comes to the fore.
Neighbouring countries might welcome patients
On the other hand the enforcement of the law banning abortion seems to a herculean task. If the blue states allow abortion without any checks how can the red states enforce it. Moreover the neighbouring countries like Canada and Mexico do not have anti abortion laws.
How the discourse proceeds in the coming days is a matter of great interest.